**Where Fates Meet**
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 Friday, May 18, 2007

[I am ALIVE!!!]

haha looong time never blog liao. About time to update a bit.

Finally,I have finished my last sem of education at NUS (I certainly hope so...). If everything going according to plan, will be going to NTU in the coming semester to further my one last bit of education. Haha so I can tell pple I have studied in both universities in Singapore.

Yup, just came back from my grad trip to Batam, Turi Resort. One word to sum my experience there, FANTASTIC! Really enjoy the trip with my pals and my Baobei. Will upload more photos and share more about the trip in the up-coming post ya =)

believe in fate @ 11:16 pm
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 Monday, April 16, 2007

[The Song for the MOMENT =)]

believe in fate @ 10:14 am
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 Wednesday, March 21, 2007

[Nice song =)]

Woah nice song from the oldies =) got reminded by dance floor. personally felt that the version by the Carpenters is nicer. haha the song expresses my anxiety also. Letter Letter when are u coming... good or bad jus come and let me know please... please MR POSTMAN.

believe in fate @ 11:06 pm
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 Sunday, January 07, 2007

[Beautiful Days]

DD, I dedicate this song to u =)

I see beautiful days with you
I feel beautiful ways of loving you
You’ve touched my heart so deeply
And I can’t thank God enough
For all the beautiful days with you
I feel beautiful ways of loving you
Everything is just so wonderful
Every little thing is just so beautiful
When I spend it with you

You came along
In an unexpected time
It was so divine
Knowing you are mine
It feels so right
When I look into your eyes
I never knew that love
Could make me feel this way
I can’t wait for the day
When I can truly say

believe in fate @ 12:07 pm
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 Tuesday, December 26, 2006

[Unforgettable Christmas]

It is a magical moment on Christmas night. Obstacles were overcome with a determined heart. Rain that was supposed to fall, didnt. I thought I feel the stars moved, to light up the leading path. Everything, the environment, ambience, even the slightest breeze come in sync with the flow. The rain did fall later, however, but at the right time I suppose.

What a night. Unforgettable night. Unforgettable Christmas.

believe in fate @ 2:50 pm
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 Saturday, December 16, 2006

[How Peaceful are U?]

You Are 94% Peaceful

You are the epitome of inner peace and total calm.
You are grounded, emotionally mature, and very wise.
While no one's life is perfect, you have a great amount of perspective on the world - and you place in it.

believe in fate @ 1:37 pm
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 Thursday, December 14, 2006

[Starting the holiday with a BANG!]

Looooong time no see my frensss. haha my blog has been collecting dust since last post. ok time for some updates.

Finally finished this sem, hmmm not really eventful... everything was moderate through out. However, I feel that certain part of me changed for the better. Cant really put a word to it but I feel good generally.

I promise myself, this holiday shall not be wasted. Indeed, first major event was a trip to sentosa! It has been eon since I last landed my feet on the island. Invited by D@n (or Matthew), I had the chance to get myself tan while playing beach volleyball and frisbee. First time playing frisbee though, my first few throws looked like a space saucer piloted by a drunk pilot... wobbly wobbly haha. It was a great day. Finally had a great chance of getting my whole body worked up =)

The very next day, after sending D@n ( or Matthew) off, I headed off to P.Ubin. Ha given a chance to play guide on the island to Zewei's frens who were on a photo snapping trip. Walk (not on bike okay) on different trails to see things u dun usually see on the main island. Examples like wild boar, plants and yes quarryCool view from the top of the cliff. Can see the Changi air control tower too and parts of Malaysia.

Have been conducting educational workshops for kids also, will post picture of them later. As for now, that's all. Seeya folks next time, Remember to Question is to Learn!!!

believe in fate @ 8:48 pm
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A fortunate meeting
defined by fate and revealed by destiny
an enchanting moment beyond the realm of reason
cunningly disguised in direst circumstances
whose touch is visible only to poetic souls

It chooses its own time and place
evermore pretentious of its purpose
crossing its hollowed path is futile
even frustrating to willing victims
coz it doesn't bend its will to ones desire

Teasing a consoled mind to go astray
that's always a part of the plan
yet it likewise reassures us to hold on to believe in DESTINY
and to let fate guide us on our journey

I am a willing victim to its wicked ploy
battling confusion, doubt and pain with a fragile sword
hanging on to a flicker of hope left inside me
coz I believe in my DESTINY
I believe in you.


-believe in fate ♥