**Where Fates Meet**
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 Friday, December 30, 2005

[A Song to share =)]

This is a song from an Anime: Gundam SEED Destiny. To help those who isnt well-versed in Jap ( like me), I have added the English translation.

Fields of Hope - Tanaka Rie

Beneath a veil so cold,
You deeply sleep, all alone
The melody of prayer; on the lonely fields,
a little light shined

I watched as you dreamed
You laughed like a child
So dear, and yet so far -
That is the promise of our future

That one day, on a green morning,
One day, we will make it there
Because in this wintered sky
We still believe
Fields of Hope

On the day we were born, we were embraced

And now we search for those gentle hands again
The melody of prayer; one vanishes,

And all begins again; a powerless, painful continuation

One day, to that green morning,
We'll cross through all these nights
Because that is the place each one of us searches for

Now, within my own heart,
I want to keep you warm
So dear, and yet so far -
In the name of peace
Fields of Hope

So dear, and yet so far -
The fields of promise
Fields of Hope
Fields of Hope

believe in fate @ 2:02 am
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 Tuesday, December 27, 2005

[One Ring to Rule THEM All]

Hi pple!!! Season Greetings!!! It has been looooong while since I last blog. Hope this is a good start.

For those who have watched or at least heard about Lord of the Rings, would have known who Sauron is. Haha okay for those who are really ignorant of who he is, he is the evil dark Lord. Now in order rule the whole of middle earth (practically the whole world), he has forged a One Ring that can bring everyone under his knees. Haha I was told by someone before, to rule (in most case is to be ruled by her) a woman, you need THREE rings. Yes our female counterparts are in a superior gender apparently. I shall enlighten what these three rings are.

OKAY, firstly we guys need a Proposal Ring. This is the first, usually a heart-stopping moment for most guys. We need to get her a nice ring preferably with a nice sparkling STONE on it. Imagine showing her a puny proposal ring, how would you rate your chance of success. If you are lucky (or unlucky), she will accepted your proposal. BUT this does not mean that your job is over my friend. You need your second ring to proceed.

Secondary, an Engagement Ring. As the name goes, this ring is required on the day of your engagement ceremony. This day is important as both of you publicly declare your love for each other in the presence of families, relatives and friends. More importantly, your future wife-to-be needs to have a really nice ring to show to her friends. Ok, the STONE on the ring should be easily spotted within 50m radius (OMG). Haha, so you guys thought this is the same ring you gonna use for the Wedding Day. FAT HOPE. You will need the THIRD ring.

Finally (often not least), a Wedding Ring is required on your wedding day. THIS is the day where both of you are formally and legally declared as husband and wife. And no matter how hard you try, you WILL NOT (I dare you) use the same ring from engagement. This ring is usually the nicest (and sadly most expansive) out of the three rings. This is after all your Wedding dude =) I guess you would not mind spend a bit more to make your woman happy.

Yup so you guys out there who think that you only need ONE ring (sorry bro you are not Sauron and he is fictional), you need to start saving for TWO MORE rings. As for the ladies, you are SO lucky!!!

believe in fate @ 12:56 am
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 Thursday, December 15, 2005

[Off to Ubin]

Yep... finally the time to return to the wild has come. I expect myself to get fried by the UV ray and blood suck dry by the mozzies. So wish me luck...hahaha.... Okay lah jus exaggerating... nothing stops a seasoned camper *bleah* Shall see ya pple when I return, hopefully with something interesting to blog about.

believe in fate @ 2:18 am
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 Wednesday, December 14, 2005

[Lets get Started!!!]

YES...I am so proud of myself... My blog is fully functional(after so many hours of looking at the seemingly gibberish scripts)...YAhhooooo

I can't believe I actually took time off to run this afternoon(hehe...actually it's Mervyn who jio me to run)...It has been more than a semester since I last ran...haha...Ok I know is not that far a distance(4km) but hey, its a start at least. Haha it made me feel less guilty of my recent gluttony...oh yeah feels like being a King again ;) Furthermore I will be spending sometime in the Wild aka P.Ubin feeding the mosquitoes with my cholesterol-rich blood. Anyone ever wondered if mosquitoes suffer from high blood pressure too from Fat-Rich diet?? Do mosquitoes have campaign to encourage more vegetables and less oil when choosing their victims? Well...It's not that hard to imagine.

believe in fate @ 3:59 am
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 Tuesday, December 13, 2005

[The Not-So-Grand Opening]

Yes... after a considerable amount of encouragement from friends and myself, I finally decided to start a blog. *HURRAY* Actually I had thoughts of blogging in the early part of the year but my laziness had better of me. Well, better start late than never rite? (haha pure excuses for myself)

Ok then, keep a look for my post, be the person writing is Jeff or Jeffrey.

believe in fate @ 8:00 am
1 Comment(s)



A fortunate meeting
defined by fate and revealed by destiny
an enchanting moment beyond the realm of reason
cunningly disguised in direst circumstances
whose touch is visible only to poetic souls

It chooses its own time and place
evermore pretentious of its purpose
crossing its hollowed path is futile
even frustrating to willing victims
coz it doesn't bend its will to ones desire

Teasing a consoled mind to go astray
that's always a part of the plan
yet it likewise reassures us to hold on to believe in DESTINY
and to let fate guide us on our journey

I am a willing victim to its wicked ploy
battling confusion, doubt and pain with a fragile sword
hanging on to a flicker of hope left inside me
coz I believe in my DESTINY
I believe in you.


-believe in fate ♥